Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Royal Wedding - 29 April 2011

Green Park is one of the two royal parks adjacent to Buckingham Palace. Unless you had a special pass, camped-out the week before, or entered the wedding route vicinity by 0700-0800 the morning of 29 April 2011, you were blocked by security. From there, your best options were to view the Royal Wedding from your television or the large screens set-up at Hyde Park & Trafalgar Square. [videos below]

Interactive Map >> click here
Map of Royal Parks near Buckingham Palace

[Green Park] After the couple arrived at Buckingham Palace, Green Park was still closed-off. Soon enough, people discovered a way to enter and made their way to the palace. Unfortunately, the high green fences along with security inside the park still blocked entrance to the Buckingham Palace Mall...until the couple reached the balcony.

[After the balcony appearance] Footage world media did not show the viewers.

[Hyde Park] The couple leave the palace with 'Just Wed' on the license plate while colleagues from the RAF flew overhead; quick glimpse of the yellow rescue helicopter.

Green Park after the Royal Wedding

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